Contact L'Cars Automotive Specialties

Automotive Restoration Company & Auto Fabrication Company

110 Poplar Avenue
Cameron, WI 54822
Phone: 715-458-2277
Fax: 715-458-2107

Blaine Downer, Metal Fabrication, blaine_lcars@hotmail.com
Wayne Reeves, Custom Builds and Restoration, wayne_lcars@hotmail.com
Cory Cook, Upholstery and Interiors, cmc1490@gmail.com
Luis Leyva Guzman, el traductor del español (Spanish Translator)

When sending any prototype or reproduction samples or pieces for repair, we ask that you use Fed –Ex or Speedee or DHL. Due to the discriminatory policy UPS has against the Boy Scouts of America we are no longer accepting deliveries and asking our suppliers and customers to honor our policy.

Rice Lake Regional Airport
is 2 miles from our facility and can cater to all personal and corporate size aircraft