Classic Car Restoration

Classic cars are defined by the Classic Car Club of America, visit their website for a complete listing of classic cars. If your car is listed as a classic car, you may show and tour with your car at numerous events throughout the year.

Classic Car Restoration

All classic car frame off restorations are done to 100 point judging standards of the Classic Car Club of America as well as the particular Marque club. All classic car restoration research is documented and provided with the completed restored classic car. Authenticity is paramount when restoring a classic car, we invite the car owner to become familiar with his car and he is a welcome participant in the project. We also have clients that have never been to our facility and leave us with the instruction to have it at Pebble Beach. We have just achieved our 20th year of presenting Award winners at Pebble Beach. Bob Lorkowski has been a Class Judge and a Chief Class Judge at Pebble Beach and also Chief Judge at the European Concours in Hiedelberg Gr. This experience is invaluable in the process and presentation of your car.

Our classic car restorations are ready for showing or touring and our contined maintanence program insures our customers off road ready cars 30 years after they have left our facility. We bill on a time plus materials basis. Because we have been restoring classic cars for 30 years we can give a fairly close estimate based on previous projects. Our labor rate for full restorations is $60.00 per hour and perform all phases of restoration In-House.

Why does In-House car restoration matter? Some Classic Car Restorers are nothing more than General Contractors perhaps doing disassembly and reassembly at their location while all operations are sub–contracted. What does this matter? Control or actually lack of it, when someone is not responsible for the total finished project they do not take the responsibility as a restorer who has every operation under it’s personal scrutiny and control.